Saturday, June 1, 2013

Cindy is working so hard toward her masters so we can get into most any country with her visa to go in an teach nursing in order to spread the GOSPEL!! She is working as a nurse 3 days a week almost 12 hours third shift so she can be home for our kids an she is in school full time. She is not getting much sleep please pray 4 her and her health that God will protect her. We are excited she can get a certificate in community health that will enable her to go into a whole community an access the health of the community an come up with a plan to improve their health with the hope of gaining trust an friendships for the purpose to lead many to Christ!!!!!!..AMEN..I am in bible school working toward my masters in teaching bible so i can train many with sound doctrine with the hope of producing many well trained man for Christ to go out into their community an spread the gospel...WE ARE PRAYING GOD WILL SEND US WHERE WE CAN HAVE THE MOST IMPACT FOR HIM..please pray with us ..our youngest will be 18 in 5 years an we should be all done with school and ready to the meantime it is our goal to do a short term mission trip once a year also we are spreading the gospel in our community we do a nursing home ministry once a month and Cindy goes into our local jail once a week to have bible study with the ladies..i am trying to get back into the jail also i took a time out for a year but waiting for my paper work please pray for that also i have been waiting like 6 months an the last time it took 11 months our local government is very slow(are tax dollars hard at work LOL) u can contact us by email at or or on twitter mrjimmy776 or mom26kdz Have a great day.....James

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